Manny Ramirez Swing
 The Manny Ramirez swing is another nearly flawless swing. Manny has his feet about shoulder width in his stance and knees slightly bent which puts him in a very balanced position. His hands are held high and his head is level and still. Manny has a little "wind up" thing he does, just before his swing which gets him into his power position. His weight is back and stays there through his swing. He has very little movement forward. Manny Ramirez is not the typical pull hitter. He does pull the ball, especially when he had Fenway Park's green monster to shoot for. But he hits straight away and has great power to right field. When Manny's front foot hits the ground in his stride, his toes are closed. Still pointing towards home plate. This keeps his hips closed and cocked and adds power to his swing. Manny is one of those hitters that combines power and average. He is a lifetime .313 hitter and has 546 home runs. His 21 grand slams are tops among active players and puts him second behind Lou Gehrig.
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