I wanted to call you today and chat awhile.
Nothing important, just to say hi.
Then I remembered….,
There’s a tear in my eye.
So I called heaven and asked for you by name.
I said you just got there,
and I wanted to tell you about my ball game.
They told me you were there,
but busy right now.
I figured an angel needed help
and you’d know how.
I told them to ask God,
cause He knows who you are.
And if He could bend the rules just this once,
this call has come so far.
They went and asked God
and got back in a hurry.
They said you couldn’t come to the phone,
but that I shouldn’t worry.
He can hear all my words,
And I know that is true.
But I miss Him so much,
and my heart is so blue.
Then an angel got on,
And said please, please don’t cry.
Your Dad is right here,
Up here in the sky.
So sing him your song and he’ll hear every cord,
There’s plenty to do,
and your Dad will never be bored.
He said to tell you that he loves you so,
And don’t forget to mail your license for a doe!
He misses you all,
and hopes you’re ok.
Remember how he called you every New Year’s Day?
The Angels all love him,
like everyone did.
And Jesus said,
Charlie is one of my kids.
You can leave a message for your Dad,
So pour out your heart,
We’ll makes sure he gets it,
cause we know you’re apart.
Just listen for the beep,
and talk to your Dad.
Charlie will hear you,
like when you were a lad.
There’s so much to tell,
and so little time.
Luke loves his job, and is doing just fine.
He got a new car,
it’s really top of the line.
Paul started school,
he goes on the bus.
Khara said he likes it,
And T ball’s a must.
Robin loves you,
she thinks you’re the best.
She called me at work,
To tell me that you left on your quest.
Elyse is getting big,
and she’s cute as a bug.
A heart breaker for sure,
and she wants Pap’s hug.
Scott says hello,
Jarrod and Jeremy miss you too,
They said to say hi to Pap,
From the whole crew.
Mike and Kim bought a new house.
Robin and I drove by,
It’s really nice.
Wish you could see it,
we went by it twice.
Sue misses you too,
she sends her best.
She said we’ll see you again Pap,
when they lay us to rest.
Mom is ok,
We’re helping her out.
Just know that we’re here for her,
that’s what family is all about.
The family is fine,
But we miss you so much.
We know you’re in heaven,
But please keep in touch.
I used up the tape, and they said I must go,
There’s just one more thing I want you to know.
I miss you Pop and that is for sure.
I’ve searched and searched,
there just is no cure.
So I’ll call you again,
when the time is just right.
We’ll talk about hunting,
like it was just the other night.
I hope I can get this number back,
it took me so long.
The fact that you're gone,
to me is just wrong.
I’m hanging up now,
I got things to do.
But it’s just not the same,
without you.
I love you Dad.

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