I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Steve Ramer. Welcome to famousbaseballplayers.net.
Two of my biggest passions are baseball and art.
As for the art end of things, I have been drawing all my life. I never had any formal art education, except for those art classes we all had to take in school.
A long time ago I learned to paint with acrylics.
That's what I use to create my
Legends Hand Painted Baseballs.
My love for the game of baseball and art has produced many drawings and paintings.
Creating my hand painted baseballs gives me the chance to combine my love of art and baseball.

That's me on the right enjoying an adult beverage after a game last season
It's been mostly through trial and error that I perfected my craft of painting on baseballs. I also had help from one of the best sports artists in the business. Monty Sheldon
Monte was kind enough to give me some tips on the best way to approach painting on a round surface. I want to take this opportunity to thank him.
I've since expanded my work to painting on wood bats, home plates, batting helmets, pitching rubbers and almost anything else I can paint on. I love this!
I've also been a baseball player most of my life. Starting with little league, we didn't have tee ball back then. I moved up through high school and American Legion ball and even played two seasons in the Philadelphia Phillies Organization. I had a great first season, then injured my knee in Spring Training in 1975.
My uncle and me during spring training in Clearwater , Florida in 1975.
I'm still playing ball in what's called the Men's Senior Baseball League. The MSBL has several age divisions which really helps us older guys. It's regulation baseball, and wooden bats! It's the most fun I've ever had playing baseball.

Frank John, Steve Ramer, Don Robertson
Join The Men's Senior Baseball League
My wife Robin and I live in the woods of eastern Pennsylvania. Our daughter, Khara and son Luke are grown. We do have a sixteen year old grandson, Paul and a six year old grandson, Draven.

Thanks again for checking out my website. I hope you enjoy my Legends Hand Painted Baseballs as much as I enjoy creating them.
If you have any questions about my painted baseballs, please feel free to contact me.
If you have a favorite player you would like to see painted on a baseball, let me know.
My business has been growing steadily. It amazes me how far it has come from nothing but an idea.