This Bat Has Been Sold. Order A Similar Bat Below
Side one has my close up painting of Ryan Howard. Flag style bunting surrounds the top of the bat. Click here for a closer look.
You'll also see "PHILLIES" on the front along with Ryan's number 6 and the Philadelphia Phillies logo trimmed in white.
The back of the bat has my action painting of Ryan Howard along with his hand painted name.

You'll also see my signature, the date this bat was completed and "1 of 1". This means that this is number one in a series of only 1. I'll never paint another exactly like it.
The top of the bat has my hand painted Phillies logo trimmed with Phillies colors.
The knob of the bat has Ryan Howard's number 6.
The background and handle of the bat has been left natural wood. This is a genuine, full sized, 34 inch, Rawlings wooden baseball bat. 20-25 hours of work go into each of my hand painted bats.

<------------------34 Inches-------------------->